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SunButter Dressing in a Salad Shaker
Matato Agency
Servings: 25

SunButter Blended Dressing
- 52 oz (6 1/12 cups) SunButter, Creamy
- 128 oz (1 gallon) Commercialized fruity or citrus salad dressing
Salad Shakers
- 37.5 oz (approx. 5 cups) SunButter Blended Dressing (see recipe below)
- 100 oz (approx. 6 lbs) cooked Basmati Rice, prepared with approx. 4.12 cups uncooked rice
- 25 oz (approx. 1 1/2 lbs) Yellow bell pepper, diced
- 25 oz (approx. 1 1/2 lbs) Red bell pepper, diced
- 37.5 oz (approx. 2 1/4 lbs) Green peas, blanched
- 12.5 oz (approx. 3/4 lbs) Shredded carrot
- 12.5 oz (approx. 3/4 lbs) Crispy onion tanglers
Prepare SunButter Blended Dressing
- In a large mixing bowl or commercial blender, combine the Creamy SunButter and the fruity/citrus salad dressing.
- Blend or whisk until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. The resulting dressing should have a consistent texture and an even blend of flavors.
Prepare Salad Shaker Ingredients
- Cook the basmati rice according to package instructions and let it cool.
- Dice the yellow and red bell peppers.
- Blanch the green peas by boiling them briefly and then cooling them in ice water.
- Shred the carrots.
- Measure out the crispy onion tanglers.
Assemble Salad Shakers
- Distribute the ingredients evenly across 25 individual cups with lids.
- In each cup, layer the following:
- Bottom layer: 1.5 oz SunButter Blended Dressing
- Second layer: 4 oz cooked Basmati rice
- Third layer: 1 oz yellow bell pepper
- Fourth layer: 1 oz red bell pepper
- Fifth layer: 1.5 oz green peas
- Sixth layer: 0.5 oz shredded carrot
- Top layer: 0.5 oz crispy onion tanglers
- Seal each cup securely with its lid.
- Provide instructions to shake the cup vigorously before consuming to mix the dressing with the other ingredients evenly.